Polymer Modified Bitumen (POLIFALT)

Polymer Modified Bitumen (POLIFALT)

Bitumen is a viscoelastic material. It exhibits elastic behavior and high durability at high speeds of fast vehicles. However, if the loading speed is low (slow and stationary vehicles), the durability is also low. Bitumen is a thermoplastic material at the same time, its consistency changes when it is heated. Due to this feature, it is not durable at high temperatures, but more at low temperatures.

It is a fact that our roads deteriorate very quickly in today’s conditions (with heavy traffic loads and changing climate conditions). Various studies have been made to renovate and overhaul the overfitted structures upon the failure of traditional asphalt concrete to respond. In paralel of this purpose bitumen the most important material of the asphalt has been enhanced by adding  some polymers and  the desired result has been achieved. The purpose of the bitumen polymer addition is to improve the bitumen without altering its positive properties. Thus, the bitumen is less sensitive to temperature, the softening point rises and the brittleness point decreases.

POLIFALT,  the polymer modified bitumen produced by Enfalt complies Turkish Highway Authority Spesificiations and International Standards.

The Features and Advantages of POLIFALT

At high temperatures it is harder than normal bitumen.

In warm weather, there’s  no deformation and no wheel tracks on road.

At low temperatures it is softer than normal bitumen. It does not deform, crack . It adheres better to the aggregate.

It compensates deteriorating and destructive effect of the heat due to difference of summer and winter and provides resistable , long-lasting  asphalt production

Spesifications & Documentation

Spesicications , MSDS, TDS of the product can be provided upon demand


Polifalt's Effect to Prevent Wheel Tracks

Polifalt's High Resistance Effect to Crack Formation

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